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Pico #Iyer: Where is home? | #TED Talk Transcript |

25 Dec

“…And home, in the end, is of course not just the place where you sleep. It’s the place where you stand” [… where you become yourself… – Proust]

– Iyer



#TDE #Podcast – Strength, more than ever…

15 Jun

“Abundant #Fortune and #Wisdom” – #Stamp from around the time of #FNCC Opening, Circa ’96… as usual, timely and apropos #Encouragement!

16 Mar


Is Everyone on the Autism Spectrum? — New York Magazine

26 Feb


“…every generation has its defining psychiatric malady, confidently diagnosed from afar by armchair non-psychiatrists. In the fifties, all those gray-suited organization men were married to “frigid” women. Until a few years ago, the country of self-obsessed boomers and reality-TV fame-seekers and vain politicians and bubble-riding Ponzi schemers made narcissistic personality disorder—diagnosis code 301.81 in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition—the craziness of the moment. And who among us has not proudly copped to our own “OCD” or “ADD,” deemed a mercurial sibling “seriously bipolar,” written off an erratic ex as “obviously borderline,” or nodded as a laid-off friend pronounced his former boss a “textbook sociopath”? Lately, a new kind of head case stalks the land—staring past us, blurting gaucheries, droning on about the technical minutiae of his boring hobby. And we are ready with our DSM codes: 299.00 (autistic disorder) and 299.80 (Asperger’s disorder).

Interestingly enough, after hearing a lady who was also a therapist – and a mom of a gentle and sweet young man, and adding the HBO Biopic on Dr. Grandin (as in Temple) to a recent conversation on the subject, one may benefit from simply admitting that even though it may start as a bit of hypochondria  (see? another easily undiagnosed one!) fact is that these traits may help us work on ourselves,  to the extent that we compassionately assume the possibility – and immediately start working on either coping or managing it.


(Even better when one has NOT been diagnosed, yet one is unable to explain oneself at some rare yet specific moments, perhaps?)

And if above epidemic were to be proven in the right, it would be wrong to allow for stigmatization to flourish – after all, they chose to illustrate with some great individuals  (mostly)… “Good Company” indeed!

Watch “Pink Floyd – The Thin Ice – Live, 1980” on YouTube

19 Feb

Why watch?

That awkward moment, laden with epiphanies, about lyrics often sung – yet not fully understood…

“When you go skating
on the thin ice
of my life
draggin’ behind you
the silent reproach
of a million sleepless nights

Don’t be surprised
when a crack in the ice
appears under your feet

you slip out… with your fears… flowing out behind you… as you call out for

t-h-i-n.  i-c-e!

(with apologies to the purists in the audience)

I mean, what with #Rex and #Pax and about four other layers now disabling me from safely leaving the house???

“Mother, do you think they’ll run the plow…. mother do you think I’ll break my balls… bones!”


“… Mother? should I build a wall???”

#TDE – Oceans within….

5 Feb


Timely as always…

#TDE via #IkedaQuotes

Nichiren’s #Gosho – on Lessening Karmic Retribution and facing ‘Obstacles’… (#WorldViews on #WorldPeace, attained through individual reformation)

7 Oct


Sadly (or fortunately?) seeking a “Path of Least Resistance” does not ‘jive’ with what we do – we are supposed to rejoice at encountering hurdles.

Why? ‘cuz then we are supposed to grow in the process of overcoming them.

(That’s how the ‘overdrafts’ are also taken care of, so to speak, when seeing ‘karma’ as a sort of an ‘account’, if you will)

Anywho – snapping this snippet of the ‘major writings’ (Jpn – Gosho) as it is pretty timely, indeed.

(Lessen – Vergessen – Mittagsessen… Yup, I can ramble and alliterate in a few!)… a sort of curse, BTW, when the predominant style is ‘plain spoken’

Good morning Cloud.


P.D: Aqui, ‘rambleando’ (elucubrando?) un pelo sobre la conexión entre los retos presentes – y la palabra, incesante y alentadora del fundador

What does doodling do? – Andrade – 2009 – Applied Cognitive Psychology – Wiley Online Library

22 Jun


Doodling is a way of passing the time when bored by a lecture or telephone call. Does it improve or hinder attention to the primary task? To answer this question, 40 participants monitored a monotonous mock telephone message for the names of people coming to a party. Half of the group was randomly assigned to a ‘doodling’ condition where they shaded printed shapes while listening to the telephone call. The doodling group performed better on the monitoring task and recalled 29% more information on a surprise memory test. Unlike many dual task situations, doodling while working can be beneficial. Future research could test whether doodling aids cognitive performance by reducing daydreaming. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

@CBS Sunday Morning footnoted their Cover Story for June 22nd 2014 with above; also mentioned Sunni Brown’s “Doodling Revolution” – all of it as I dared doodle at work recently.

Go figure (pun intended!)

#HashTags & #Neighbors & Hemispheres of #WorldPeace – intersecting colors, likes and meaningful times…

15 Aug


(Funny how them #Saffron-tinged Balloons are just there, tinging the interaction even further!)

#Hashtagvana ?

1) Randomly shoot a neighbor’s cluster of #Saffron – soaked flowers;

2) Have someone in this here cloud like and point it out; then,

3) Somewhat coincidentally, when one searches for #Saffron ? … one finds out TODAY is actually the 67th Anniversary of #India ‘s Independence!

Interesting?! U betcha!

(Me? Think that “words of praise… courage” affirmation may fit nicely later on?)

So shall we think of #WorldPeace by Approximations’ Interpolations, perhaps!?

… Namaste!

Mathematics of Belief? #TED “Daniel Wolpert: The real reason for brains” on @YouTube

3 May

Objective Reality & Subjective Wisdom; Bayesian Decision Math & Feedback Processing Theorems.


Science catching up with Realities, hopefully shared in ways that not only validate the immense Fortune represented by being Human, but also, the immense Responsibility of tweaking our Movements, our Actions in a more Compassionate (Noise-free, according to Prof. Wolpert) Direction.