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#Mindfulness – and Fulfillment, too

19 Feb


Original Article v/ @Flipboard

What does doodling do? – Andrade – 2009 – Applied Cognitive Psychology – Wiley Online Library

22 Jun


Doodling is a way of passing the time when bored by a lecture or telephone call. Does it improve or hinder attention to the primary task? To answer this question, 40 participants monitored a monotonous mock telephone message for the names of people coming to a party. Half of the group was randomly assigned to a ‘doodling’ condition where they shaded printed shapes while listening to the telephone call. The doodling group performed better on the monitoring task and recalled 29% more information on a surprise memory test. Unlike many dual task situations, doodling while working can be beneficial. Future research could test whether doodling aids cognitive performance by reducing daydreaming. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

@CBS Sunday Morning footnoted their Cover Story for June 22nd 2014 with above; also mentioned Sunni Brown’s “Doodling Revolution” – all of it as I dared doodle at work recently.

Go figure (pun intended!)

#HootSuite – Social Media Dashboard – Announces #HTML5 Rollout and host of other features (#FaveApps) (#InCaseYouMissedIt)

29 Jun


  • Filed under #Homework #FaveApps #Dashboards #ThirdParty Apps
  • Credit/Source: Ryan Holmes – HootSuite []

HootSuite5 with HTML5

HootSuite5 with HTML5

HootSuite users will see significant changes to the social media dashboard today beginning with a completely refreshed HTML5 user interface, plus geo-located search, native Twitter ReTweets, and integrated Google Analytics.

With the recent announcement of Google’s HTML5 site and many other brands like Apple on-board, HootSuite has made a substantial investment in this new technology standard. HTML5 allows us to release unique features like geo-search and drag & drop, plus improve performance with more responsive tabs and streams.


Now, search for tweets by proximity based on geo-location information sent by some (not all) users. Using this HTML 5 powered feature, you can narrow down results to messages sent from your area, wherever you are. This feature will help you learn about local resources, get tips while traveling, and find new customers or followers.

Geo-Search in HootSuite 5

Analytics in Dashboard

Google Analytics users no longer need to switch screens to analyze site traffic and performance because all the data is now available in HootSuite’s dashboard. Using OAuth secure login functionality, you can track conversion to sales, lead generation, or other metrics from your Google Analytics, using advanced URL functions.

Analytics in dashboard

More Tools

Other new tools to help broadcast messages, monitor conversations, and track results include:

Themes to choose in HootSuite

Interface Re-creation and Themes

The most noticeable change is a fully re-imagined dashboard, with more space for updates and an intuitive arrangement for HootSuite’s many features. Additionally, you can now choose a design theme which suits your tastes.

Options include the familiar green & blue “Classic,” the sleek & stunning “Blue Steel,” or the darkly cool “Magnum.” Which one will you choose? Switch at your leisure to find your favorite.

Facebook Media Preview

Include a photo when you upload a link to Facebook, and then add titles and descriptions to make your update more meaningful and inviting. BTW, this media preview functionality was one of the most requested features on the Feedback Channel.

Native ReTweets now in HootSuite

New or Ol’school RTs

When Twitter launched, early users created shorthand to define actions and attributes, including @replies for addressing, #hashtags for context, and RT for Re-Tweeting or quoting a message which became a powerful way to spread messages beyond users’ local networks.

To standardize the process, added an auto-Re-Tweet functionality, which HootSuite has now integrated. HootSuite users can choose whether to Re-Tweet with initials “RT” or to use the Twitter web native auto-Re-Tweet tool.

We can now check this one off the feature request list.

Drag it, Drop it, Send it

Quickly attach an image or other file to your social update by dragging directly from the desktop and dropping into the message box — this simple act will auto-upload the file to file sharing and add a pre-shortened link to your message. Then you are ready to send your enhanced note to any of your social networks.

HootSuite Localized for Japanese

Language Localization

Konnichiwa! This release also features interface localization in Japanese, allowing more users to enjoy HootSuite in their native language. More linguistic choices are coming soon, to spread the international enjoyment.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Clicking Shift+Enter on the keyboard now sends the update, saving mouse-clicks and time — another popular user-requested feature.

Handier Help

Listening and learning from HootSuite’s userbase is an important part of making decisions which meet the needs of social media marketers and enthusiasts. HootSuite offers assistance via a Help Desk and and gathers opinions via a Feedback Channel.

With the new release, these channels are easier to access directly right from the HootSuite dashboard. We invite you to share your ideas, and to enjoy a sense of pride when your requested feature is added to a future release.

Twitter Status

The World Cup football/soccer tournament in South Africa has shown the worldwide popularity of Twitter as fans everywhere document their opinions and the nuances of each match. This popularity is also evidenced in the massive demand on Twitter’s systems especially at gametime.

Keep tabs on uptime and performance via Twitter’s status blog and API Status on

Media Resources

Press release – meda announcement about this release:

Media Kit – company descriptions, logos, executive bios and media contact info:

Social bookmarks – media and blog articles referencing HootSuite: HootSuite is a Trademark of HootSuite Media, Inc. More: HootSuite Online Media Kit.

#CMAC/#MMS: #in (LinkedIN) Discussion Thread on Jobs and The New Economy #Musings #Reflections

23 Jun

Well, I’ve been following this thread on LinkedIN, titled “”Employers: How many job openings do you have, and… Job seekers: How long have you been out of work, and why do you think you haven’t been hired?”

… and of course, I’ve been musing out loud and publicly about what’s next; mostly because a lot of the comments give me encouragement about what I’m doing to mitigate the seemingly ‘fruitless’ search, the psychological ‘pain’ of being ‘underemployed’, and the angst that comes from starting a business in the midst of such a large and widespread recession…

Sour Grapes? Maybe… but we all like some Vinegar in our Salads too, right?




Based on the level of hyperactivity, there’s got to be some potential for this thread making it to the news?


Past couple of days, seems like the catharsis of commenting, discussing and otherwise venting is helping most of us?

I for one have found enough encouragement here to keep looking at my options as a future entrepreneur/business person; as someone said, one man shows may not be for all, however, the potential for a future expansion riding precisely on the ability we have to interconnect and work together, in a somewhat ‘outsourced’ mode, make me believe we’re witnessing a sea change in many areas.

I only say it because if there’s one major salient point in what I learned at General Electric, is that those companies are the first ones leveraging all the ‘CMAC-driven’ (Computer Mediated Asynchronous Communication, also the name of my Corporation) technologies; meaning, if there was a better place to learn how to go ‘global’ and work in disperse teams, across time zones, achieving key milestones around the clock and deliverables hitherto impossible to ‘localized’ teams, that was what I witnessed at NBC Universal’s I.T: Most of the people I worked with, I never actually “met”, yet we managed to put in record man hours, and get the projects completed.

I also had a benefit back then of Tuition Reimbursement, which I took right upon onboarding, and ended up at the University of Phoenix Online.

Witnessing how that institution, today the largest private university in America (and hence, the world, perhaps?) leveraged all these online fora, well, it was nothing short of miraculous, as we studied the same way we worked; coordinating schedules across time zones, doing round robins with personnel deployed in the frontlines, and most anywhere in the world, gives me hope tha that the next recovery/expansion will precisely be driven by these technologies now being commonplace.

Which is why I usually remind students/audiences that this so-called “Social Media” or “New Media” revolution, is merely the result of the evolution of what has been called “Groupware” – Collaboration Software, of which places like Facebook, make me believe we’re also witnessing one of the largest ‘Beta Testing’ Groups helping create corporate versions which we’ll soon use to manage and work.

So what’s to stop the small, overqualified, seasoned professional from taking advantage of these being available, if not for free, for very low prices?

I don’t know, but speaking for myself, while I search for most any kind of gig (yeah, I call them gigs now, no need to get too enthused about them being a long term solution to my career; even Millenials, have figured out that most corporations are not about the loyalty to their employees, and see jobs as ‘temporary’, so why not learn from the young ones?) I have also spent countless hours finessing my business plan, developing courseware as adjunct faculty, volunteering for local organizations and networking groups, as after all, that also looks good on one’s LinkedIN Profile: that one did not actually stop doing, but rather, took the advice of Right Management (yeah, that’s yet another benefit from my GE stint, that they sent me there for outplacement, a great set of courses and workshops) and ‘stayed busy’ for all the right reasons.

Is that leading to something? I don’t know exactly where, but based on some of your posts, seems like I am on track for ‘rediscovering’ not only myself, but also the ‘how to’ business and work will be conducted in the near future.

So this is my way of of thanking all the positive comments, digesting the not-so-positive ones, and hopefully, leaving something of value behind.



(Posted on LinkedIN 2010 06 23 1220 EDT)

#Facebook Talks: A Thought on #Social/#New #Media – And #Graduating in 2010 (#MMS)

27 Feb

Someone just recently asked me about LinkedIN and their graduation; a conversation ensued in FB Mail, so I took this looooong answer and created a blog post; also helps me showcase the rationales to a few other friends who think the water it’s too cold, deep, or otherwise murky to ‘dive in’…


@ [OLD FBF!]

“Love reading the stuff you post!” (OLD FBF, 2010)


Really? then I’d make you my ONE reader!


Seriously; it’s sometimes a weird feeling when the ‘interacting’ stops, I know it was more profuse in the past because of specifics such as the election, the length of this recession (which by now has all worn us down to a nub!) and other topics.

Now I think most of the talk happens in FarmVille land, and that little time is available to talk; also, content has exponentially been ‘induced’ into Facebook, so the amounts are just overwhelming…

… and for someone about to graduate, I think time for you is like the most precious commodity, ain’t it?


Anyway… yeah, y’all 2010 Grads will be facing a HISTORICALLY sucky market; the good news?

Y’all are also the MOST talented ‘generation’ of grads to come out; many ascribe it to the fact that you’re ‘digitally enabled’


Just got a note from a Toastmasters in Dubai.

Go Global.
Expose Yourself
Curate these Sites as though your life depended on IT!
LinkedIN? PAY for the upgrade, and make it a point of getting PAST those 500+ connections in a minute; there, it’s obvious why you’re asking, so be courteous, yet assertive
Here? Create a Professional FB ‘Fan’ Page; make it ‘sound’ like your LinkedIN Profile (100% Business)
Use Networked Blogs to add some cool RSS’ing to it; creates a REASON to fan it; and for some of us, a reason to @Mention, Share and interact with YOUR Fan Page here in FB
…. and last but NOT least?

Dude… get on TWITTER!!!!


That’s where a LOT of people are getting their “Ticker Tape” fix… remember Homer Adams watching it intently?

That’s my best analogy for it; it’s fresh, breaking, and above all, relevant information.


Check out the info tab, there’s a handful of ID’s, pick at least:


The others are ‘convo’ -specific (i.e. Oralisimo = #LATISM; Papparazzos = #TOGS, etc)


Want more?

Sign up for our Meetup.Com place, I post all the vids, and most relevant of all, that’s the only place to get our ‘Slides’.


Okidoki, hope this helps – and answers! some more questions, Mr. Graduate


P.S: Coffee? SURE!… the whole point of FBF’s is that eventually we DO get to meet them FTF!…


O Tempora, O Mores!

Ci vedeamo!

[HUMS HAPPILY… THINKS TO HIMSELF: “I have a reader! at least ONE reader out there!… yay!”]


Via @ExaminerCom: @DowntownGarden’s “What’s up With Social Media” Series: Session Four: Open Agenda, thanks to @PBPost

27 Jan


….. As some of you know, our Media Mentoring Societies are meant to be “Locally Grown” yet to have a Global Twist; last night’s proceedings at Downtown at the Gardens proved precisely that, as we had a Facebook acquaintance/friend follow us from Madrid… here’s the exchange:


“Live from @DowntownGardens: A whole CROWD came tonight! Thanks @PBPost (Broadcasting live at

Yesterday at 7:04pm via Ustream.TV Custom: loading… ·

View Feedback (2)Hide Feedback (2)


@MMSocieties: 2010 01 19 Session: Part One: Overview and Topic Choosing

“Add me to the 4 viewers!

BTW, still waiting on a good explanation about the difference between twitter and facebook 😛

Maybe due to my lack of attention when I watched this (from office)

Nice job by the way, I enjoyed it :)”


“Whoa!… YOU were watching US? From Madrid!???


Really? COOOL!!!!… See More


Did you refer to the slides, BTW?


They’re an INTEGRAL part of what we do… ’em slides allow one to dig deeper into the subject…

Which ones?


The ones on Meetup.Com!


Go ahead! RSVP and make US go Global!

Seriously… we post EVERYTHING there first… UStream is meant to keep us ‘live’ on the web, but there’s also a cleaner (meaning, on a tripod!) video I shoot that gets loaded to Vimeo; usually also a podcast (yeah, we have been remiss, but you may load the Vimeo vids to your iPod/iPhone, right?)

… once you’ve dug through those, we talk!

(we’ve done FOUR sessions so far, covering different aspects of this Brobdingnagian Pachiderm we dare call “Social Media” … IMHO? I prefer Web 2.0 or 2.9, as in the end, it’s just the evolution of the same old tools… right?)




Also, peek at our new e-Newsletter for more… add yourself to the mailing list and/or shoot me an email so I can send you the future ones (we hope to have enough content for a Weekly)

– Socially Yours Premiere Issue -Web Version

… Which in the end, proves the adage “Act Locally, Think Globally” that’s somehow embedded into many of the interactions we conduct on these ‘Social Media’ forums; as mentioned on the video, sometimes it’s more a matter of the QUALITY of the interactions, the fact that people actually care to look at your content, than the actual AMOUNT of people listed on one’s statistics….

Which videos, you may ask? these!

Session Four at Downtown at The Gardens: Open Agenda, Topics covered across the entire spectrum of Social/New Media issues…

One… via Vimeo

Two…via Vimeo (required for LONG videos!)

And the rest, via @UStream (Bookmark us as we’d be stashing our live broadcasts there EVERY Tuesday until the end of February, at least at this location!)

Watch us LIVE Every Tuesday!

#InCaseYouMissedIt: #SeenOnAWallNearYou Series: On #FourSquare, #FTF – And the Rise of Location-Based Services

6 Jan

Francisco Jose Palacio just checked-in @ Sushi-Yama – BEST Chirashi ever had in this lifetime; FRESHEST Ginger, MODERN and unassuming decor, are some of the reasons I’m glad I’m so CLOSE to this BEST japanese -ever!… did I say best and ever already?

10921 North Military Trail
Palm Beach Gardens, FL

11 hours ago via Foursquare ·  View Feedback (5)Hide Feedback (5) · Francisco on foursquare

Yajaira Vanessa

Thanks for sharing the info…Happy New Year!!!

Stephen Higgins

Stephen Higgins

just started using foursquare how do you like?

Lori Saitz

Lori Saitz

I was there tonight too! Just posted how we ran into a couple of friends there and ended up eating with them! Too funny. Our first time there and, yes, it was really yummy!

Francisco Jose Palacio

@ LS


Were you on a table with four gals and four guys? eight people total?… definitely sounded like a “run-in” kind of deal, as the conversation was so lively, with overtones of “catching up”… … See More

We were on the booth across!!! jejeje!… this all happened after 2130 EDT? (930p?)

Amazing!… and that gives me a perfect segue for Stephen’s query…

@ SH

Above illustrates one of the functions of FourSquare; when we all check in [AHEM, AHEM TO LS!] then the app/site is supposed to facilitate FTF’s (Face to Face’s) as it notifies friends that are at the SAME location.

Which is PRECISELY what has made it so interesting, this whole new ‘sphere’ of Location-Based Services; Gowalla I heard was first, then came FourSquare, and from the look of things, Dr. Schmidt’s hordes are paying attention – and cash, as I hear they were buying Yelp!, the first-to-market (and the one with the largest database of reviews and people, hence the largest established community)


So… makes sense now?… and al-So… mind if I blog about this?

Think it illustrates what the service is ALL about – well, besides us Crowd-Sourcers giving away a few minutes filling out these for a few ‘points’ and the ‘illusion’ of authority they vest you with, as in FourSquare the ‘game’ part is taken care of by badges, points, stars – and a future ‘mayorship’ if you’re the one that hits a certain place the most within 60 days or so, yadda, yadda, yadda…

Yup, word count fits… blog-worthy!….


Anyone else?



#Happy10, everyone!

#MediaMentoringSociety: Interview with @CynthiaRoldan, apropos CBIT’s at PBCC.EDU (http://www.LaPalmaInteractivo.Com)

5 Jan

Blog Podcast & Tweet Archive


And these tweets this morning…



@FJPalacio: #95CNCH con @CynthiaRoldan http://LaPalmaInteractivo.Com #PBCC #LATISM #MMS #Cinch

#InCaseYouMissedIt: @ExaminerCom: #SoCruise’s @GregCangialosi, CEO, Blue Sky Factory – on #GoogleWave and Social Media

29 Dec

These were originally posted in my blog as a set of notes on the sessions occurring at the maiden #SoCruise /@SoCruise voyage; and now here on Examiner.Com as a series on the value these events bring to marketers and individuals who are venturing into this nascent industry.

GregCangialosi is the CEO of Blue Sky Factory, a leading provider of email services, and as such, his keynote titled The Future of Connectivity encompassed a series of thoughts about different communication mediums- and how they become most relevant as we move forward; Greg then illustrated it with the current controversy surrounding the Beta Launch of GoogleWave which for many does not even make sense at all, but according to Greg contains “big implications that people miss out”

These kind of statements come from having “a passion that develops from how business communicate out” as he remarked and ellaborated on previous comments made by Chris Brogan apropos “you live and die by your database” and Lyell Petersen about Twitter remarking “this means you could end up with nothing.”

Cangialosis sees Email “as the glue” yet his company is always thinking about the new tools for business: prospects, current customers, the media, “whatever the audience may be”

His company’s been thinking about how businesses communicate during this whole shift from an organization turning into a publishing organization: where content/engagement marketing as the barriers to entry have been lowered to the point where “you have a webcam and you’re a content producer!” So how do we business people think about them in an integrated fashion is key also to when we think about the future: “A GoogleWave invite, It’s an interesting concept that it’s going to change the way we communicate: And the core piece lies the fact that behind all of this Google has published it as an open standard/protocol for the web (Open Source)

Greg’s intimate knowledge of the current SMTP standard which is in his view “laden with all sorts of issues and the implications for integration are there; so it’s necessary to know enough to be dangerous to one’s current email strategies.”

He concluded by stating that in a few short years, “companies are going to run their own wave servers: in other words, they will follow the mantra of integrate, integrate!” and if needed businesses will also take advantage to combine these google wave servers – all without the issues of current SMTP e-mail.

You can hear the entire audio transcript on my blog

#SoFresh – Tampa

Apropos the above interaction with key social/new media marketers there is an upcoming Social Fresh conference coming to Tampa on February 8, 2010

Social Fresh flagship events will have on average 30-35 speakers split between two rooms of content, stand alone featured speakers and panels. Check out for a look at all past SoFresh speakers.

See the #SoCruise Album at my PhotoShelter Website

See the #SoCruise Album at my PhotoShelter Website

#SeenOnAWallNearYou Series: Why We #Facebook #Fan #Brands – and for some, why we should be a ‘Fan’ of the Process! #InCaseYouMissedIt

28 Dec

Someone recently commented on my being/becoming a fan of Dell; as I’m unable to do short answers, here’s what I commented on my Facebook page…

“Yup; if you’d like to stay updated on promotions and new products, then updates from the Dell Business (a.k.a. Fan Page) Page will show up on your Live News Feed here in Facebook, much like everything else does.

Are you a fan of Dell? or any other major brand, for that matter?

Are you a fan of Dell? or any other major brand, for that matter?

Major brands are now having their ad agencies add “Digital Strategists” or “Community Managers” to leverage these interactive benefits.

Supposedly the level of granular interaction between both parties (i.e. a customer can complain or comment on a product on the Dell Page; supposed to bypass a LOT of layers, and since it’s a public complaint, the Dell team usually has to respond quicker than before, as it’s their ‘brand’ that’s now publicly being ‘asked’ about something – in ways heretofore never achieved.

For PR Firms, Ad Agencies and many others, it has become both a migraine, as well as an opportunity to monetize what advertisers have already figured out: we ain’t watching much TV, nothing more attractive than watching each other, what we do and like – and what we say, apparently beats most every other ‘broadcast’ put out there, both in print, TV, and even online, as most websites have had also to open up to Facebook and Twitter in their advertising/PR campaigns.

Makes sense now?

One word? “Intelligence” (as in ‘intel’) on those brands/product you favor… delivered right to your Homestream!” (Palacio, 2009)