Tag Archives: #Instagram

#HashTags & #Neighbors & Hemispheres of #WorldPeace – intersecting colors, likes and meaningful times…

15 Aug


(Funny how them #Saffron-tinged Balloons are just there, tinging the interaction even further!)

#Hashtagvana ?

1) Randomly shoot a neighbor’s cluster of #Saffron – soaked flowers;

2) Have someone in this here cloud like and point it out; then,

3) Somewhat coincidentally, when one searches for #Saffron ? … one finds out TODAY is actually the 67th Anniversary of #India ‘s Independence!

Interesting?! U betcha!

(Me? Think that “words of praise… courage” affirmation may fit nicely later on?)

So shall we think of #WorldPeace by Approximations’ Interpolations, perhaps!?

… Namaste!

#SourGrapes: @Instagram ‘s ingesting of that ‘Poison Ivy’-like Feature… #Vine -killer? NOT!

3 Aug


“Release the changes!”

(Google Play Store??? usually follows the fall of my main camera…

and yes, Instagram appears to NOT appreciate the tilt from landscape 2 portrait NOR the opening of my slideout on this D4… Waaazzzzzuppp?)…

No release/upgrade available!

FYI – ( above already posted via GPlay App Fail Tool)

Which apparently is tied to?


These are now happening in sequence… and nothing released for upgrades yet, sorry! đŸ˜„


P.S: Worst instance? July 4th…

#TimelineTuesdays: on Valentine’s Day, some romantic Decor, straight from the Heavens!

14 Feb

So it all began as an app, downloaded a while back, which along with @PInterest and @GooglePlus, a dreaded #Homework item, become hath….

… Add a dreadfully unseasonal season, a romantically laden day, and voila! Here’s me synapses attempting to learn a brand new nomenclature of “Toasters”, “Inkwells” and “1977”‘s – in lieu of 60+ steps to achieve same in my desktops prehistorical copy of PS 6.0!

One word?


Anyway, here is the Tweet, pls follow if u r already an @Instagram user; or check it out, if your phone so allows!


@FJPalacio: #3rdWinter/Day38 an Eighth Layer (Finally!) hath brought? Finalmente, algo de nieve, quizĂĄ San Valentin? http://t.co/aFHYYZTu

Original Message:

Sent from HootSuite for iPhone



And a Valencia layered on a Nashville? Cool! (and yeah, why the Xmas lights still run, too!)


Can’t stop!

